Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Christian Bach
Marschnerstr. 32
01307 Dresden

Phone: +49 (351) 463-38097
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Workshop in Rome

18. February 2023

Group Photo Rome

During the first workshop of the year 2023 held in the picturesque city of Rome the ESRs gave updates on the latest developments in their cutting-edge research and explored the manufacturing sites of two leading companies in the aerospace industry, AVIO and Thales Alenia Space. The ESRs and their supervisors were hosted by the prestigious University of Rome "La Sapienza", where the ESRs presented the current status of their individual research projects. The workshop provided a platform for engaging discussions about the topics and next steps in the research.

At the AVIO site in Colleferro, participants toured the manufacturing halls where components of European rockets are produced, including rocket engines and fairings for the Ariane and Vega rockets. Participants gained valuable insights into the manufacturing processes of rocket components and had the opportunity for exchange with AVIO's expert engineers.

Thales Alenia Space, a global leader in the design, manufacturing, and delivery of advanced satellite systems, opened its Rome and L'Aquila sites to the workshop participants. At the Rome site, participants visited the manufacturing halls for the final assembly of satellites and test stands, where they learned about the rigorous testing and quality control procedures that are in place. At the L'Aquila site, participants gained deeper insights into the manufacturing of electronic components and CFRP structures for satellites.

The workshop wasn't only about work, though. Participants had ample opportunities to socialize and connect with each other, their supervisors, and project partners, while enjoying delicious Italian food and drinks. The workshop provided the perfect setting for fruitful exchanges and networking.

Overall, the workshop provided a unique opportunity for participants to see how cutting-edge technology is being used to push the boundaries of space exploration and scientific research. Stay tuned for more updates on the project and its exciting developments!

Funding and Coordination

Also see our profile at CORDIS.

The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860956.

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