Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Christian Bach
Marschnerstr. 32
01307 Dresden

Phone: +49 (351) 463-38097
Fax: +49 (351) 463-38125

Main supervisors

ESR1 - Dr. Tino Schmiel

Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

Dr. Tino Schmiel is Head of the research field of satellite systems and space science  at the institute of Aerospace Engineering of Technische Universität Dresden, in Germany. His research focuses mainly on the development of miniaturized sensors for different space applications. He has been the lead of the development, space qualification and operation of more the 10 space experiments. A CV containing a list of awards can be found here. He conducts regular lectures at Technische Universität Dresden on Satellite Systems, Space Power Systems, Space Enviroment, Space Experiments, etc. In his carrier, he has supervised at least 20 student per year for the student/diploma/master thesis and co-supervised 16 PhD students so far.

ESR2 - Dr. Christian Bach

Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

Dr. Christian Bach – As head of the research group for space transportation at Technische Universität Dresden, Christian is managing all activities in the field of launcher and lander technologies, including everything related to chemical propulsion. At the same time, he works as a lecturer in the fields of space transportation, space exploration, orbital mechanics and spacecraft design methods. Due to his experience in the conduction and risk assessment of rocket engine tests, Christian has been appointed as occupational health and safety officer at the Chair of Space Sys-tems. At the beginning of 2019, Christian has finished his Ph.D. on the system analysis and prototype development of a fluid injection induced thrust vector control for aerospike engines. Christian published a total of 25 journal and conference papers.

ESR3 - Dr. Martin Sippel

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Dr. Martin Sippel is head of DLR Space Launcher Systems Analysis (SART) and leading expert in launcher and propulsion system pre-design and system studies.

ESR4 - Dr. Jan Deeken

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Dr. Jan Deeken is leader of the research group for System Analysis for Liquid Rocket Engine Cycles, supervised 10+ masters.

ESR5|ESR11 - Prof. Angelo Pasini

Università di Pisa (UniPi)

Prof. Angelo Pasini, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Propulsion at University of Pisa (since 2016) with strong industrial experience and market know how from his work in STL. Supervision: 17 Master theses, 3 PhDs. About 70 scientific publications so far (journals, conference papers). In the period 2010-2015, at SITAEL and ALTA, Dr. Pasini was project engineer and technical responsible for several ESA research projects. His main research topics concern theoretical and experimental investigation of cavitating/noncavitating turbopumps and monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters powered by green propellants.

ESR6 - Prof. Daniele Bianchi

Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (USR)

Prof. Dr. Daniele Bianchi is Associate Professor of Aerospace Propulsion (Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome) since 2020. He is author of more than 20 articles published in quality peer-reviewed journals/books and more than 70 articles published in international conference proceedings in the aerospace sector. He has been PI and Co-PI of several projects with funding from EU FP7, ESA ESTEC, ESA ESRIN, ASI, CIRA, VKI, AVIO, Astrium EADS, and others. He is AIAA member and member of the AIAA Solid Rocket Technical Committee. He is Director of the 2nd level professional Master course in Space Transportation Systems: Launchers and Re-entry Vehicles and member of the board of the PhD course in Aeronautics and Space Engineering and has 13 years of professional experience in rocket engine related research and development. He supervised more than 50 Bachelor and Master thesis and 2 PhDs.

ESR7 - Dr. François Chedevergne

Office national d’études et de recherches aérospatiales (ONERA)

Dr. François Chedevergne is senior research scientist at ONERA. He is part of the HEAT (High-Energy Aerothermodynamics and Turbulence) group of the Multi-Physics for Energetics Department. He is in charge of turbulence modelling activities and is responsible of the field "wall dynamics". He supervised 8 PhDs.

ESR8 - Dr. Jouke Hijlkema

Office national d’études et de recherches aérospatiales (ONERA)

Dr. Jouke Hijlkema is a Senior Scientist in rocket propulsion at ONERA. He holds a PhD from ISAE-Toulouse in the field of applied mathematics. He manages projects with government agencies and industrial customers. He is also active in teaching to High Schools and is author of 10 archival papers.

ESR9 - Prof. Patrick Hendrick

Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Prof. Patrick Hendrick to guide the work, give advises, participate to meetings and workshops, check the reports and deliverables, control all safety aspects. He has 12 years of experience in supervising PhD students (already 14 PhDs delivered under his supervision and member of the final jury of 25 other PhD students). Patrick Hendrick is the head of the Department Aero-Thermo-Mechanics at the Faculty of Engineering at ULB and Chairman of the Belgian Energy Research Alliance (BERA), which is part of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). He is heavily involved in research projects and activities related to Hybrid Rocket Engines and Hydrogen-Fueled Gas Turbine Engines mixing experimental activities and numerical activities on both topics.

ESR10 - Prof. Uwe Apel

Hochschule Bremen (HSB)

Prof. Uwe Apel is head of Aerospace Programs at Hochschule Bremen. Prof. Apel has 35 years of experience in the area of spacecraft design, space infrastructure design and space propulsion design. He teaches rocket design, rocket propulsion and air breathing propulsion. All propulsion related teaching and research activities at the IAT are under his supervision. He is author of more than 50 scientific papers and regularly serves as an evaluator for Horizon 2020 calls in the aerospace field. In the last 10 years, he supervised 2 PhDs, 30 Masters, and 140 Bachelor theses. In addition, he guided 40 ERASMUS students and 30 exchange students from non-EU countries during their study period in aerospace engineering.

ESR12 - Dr. Carsten Wiedemann

Technische Universität Braunschweig (TUBS)

Dr.-Ing. Carsten Wiedemann is a permanently employed senior scientist at the Institute of Space Systems at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. He is responsible for the organization and presentation of lectures, supervision of student research projects, and scientific project work. He is member of the DLR delegation at the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC). His field of research is modeling of the space debris environment. One important research project was the development and upgrading of the ESA MASTER (Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference) Model.

ESR13|ESR14 - Prof. Michèle Lavagna

Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi)

Prof. Michèle Lavagna has been involved as technical engineer and as project manager in 50 international/national funded studies. The studies are in the area of space sub-system engineering and astrodynamics with specific attention on mission analysis, GNC and multidisciplinary optimization for spacecraft, launchers and landing vehicles, SSA area and Clean Space initiative, surface exploration and robotics. She is author of 245 scientific publications and advisor for 133 Master theses and 25 PhD theses. She is member of IAA, of the IAF-Astrodynamics committee, and of different international and national committees and WG related with space activities. She will act as PoliMi activities’ and PhD candidates’ supervisor to technically support the students’ research and the Institution involvement in the Network.

ESR15 - Mr. Gabriele De Zaiacomo


Mr. Gabriele De Zaiacomo is the current Head of the Atmospheric Flight division at the Flight Systems Business Unit at DEIMOS. He has over 13 years of experience in the mission analysis and GNC of atmospheric missions (launch and re-entry). In DEIMOS he participated and led several studies and activities focused on the development of re-entry technologies. He was also part of the core GNC and MA team of the IXV program from design to implementation, validation, flight, and post-flight analysis, and he's currently leading the mission engineering for the Space Rider return mission. He contributed to the design of the EDL mission of EXOMARS, and participated to the post-flight analysis of Schiaparelli. He is currently involved in the H2020 projects RETALT, RRTB, and EFESTO, with the objective of enhancing key technologies to enable reusability of launchers in Europe.

Funding and Coordination

Also see our profile at CORDIS.

The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860956.

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