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ASCenSIon was an international training network (ITN) that was conducted from 01.01.2020 to 29.02.2024. The purpose of this project was to develop a programme that focused on several specific areas of cutting edge space access research, particularly on launcher systems that are (partially) reusable and capable of injecting multiple payloads into multiple orbits. Fields of research and training addressed by ASCenSIon included propulsion technologies and their reusability; Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC); aero-thermo-dynamics of re-entry and safe disposal. More than providing design concepts, the network identified and advanced critical technologies to prove the feasibility of these concepts.
The acronym “ASCenSIon” stands for “Advancing Space Access Capabilities – Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection”. The core of the project was the vision to contribute to the establishment of a both ecologically and economically sustainable space access for Europe (i.e. by reusable systems / components), which is more oriented towards user needs (i.e. launch of several primary payloads to different dedicated orbits in one mission for a reasonable price). As the space sector rapidly changes and a multitude of diverse space actors emerge, the launcher market, enabler of the space utilization, must in fact adapt accordingly and accompain this transition.
The acronym vividly describes the core objective of promoting a new class of space scientists that are not only excellent specialists in their respective field, but who also have a thorough understanding for the complexity, multidisciplinary and internationality of launcher development in order to become leaders in the European effort of utilising space. A variety of technologies were advanced within the project and both computational and experimental techniques were used for an efficient process and reliable results.
Project structure including Work Package interactions
The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860956.
© Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Marschnerstr. 32, 01307 Dresden